Win Tix: COPA Play: Indoor Adult Soccer League | East Bay
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COPA Soccer Training Center | 2640 Shadelands Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
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Submitted by the Event Organizer
Experience COPA Soccer Training Center’s brand new facility through their adult leagues. Games will be played in their awesome Turf and Futsal Arena. Whether you are a competitive player or a beginner they have offerings for all levels of play. Bring your friends or jump into a team with their growing community of soccer players.
Why play in their leagues?
- Stay healthy with exercise through soccer
- Strengthen friendships and make new friends
- 8 weeks of play
- Interactive league update features
Sign up: $895 To enroll a team regardless of the giveaway, Fun Cheap East Bay subscribers will get $296 off the team registration fee by using the code: “COPAELITE” at checkout.
Get a chance to win a giveaway for 6 full teams (Over $5,000 value) for their adult leagues. Interested parties can submit their information below:
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For more information and details about our league offerings visit
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: WIN*