“Piece x Piece” and “Fever Dreams” w/ ODC Dance (SF)
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B.Way Theater | 3153 17th Street San Francisco, CA 94110
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Piece x Piece presents Tavarez’s mother’s immigration story to explore the challenges of transitioning from one territory to a drastically new one. It toggles between the escapist, rags-to-riches fantasy narratives of telenovelas and the heartbreaking reality of the immigrant experience, utilizing sewing as a metaphor for the deconstruction of “The American Dream”.
Fever Dreams is a dizzying dance spectacle based on Mexican folk Artist Pedro Linares’ Cartoneria known as Alebrije. Ornate and vibrantly colored costumes decorate dancers as they transform into Linares’ mythical creatures who are as loud and unapologetic as the heat hallucinations that sired them. Wild imagery and sensuous yet eerie movements are the backbone of these birds of paradise and they haunt the space with stories of longing, lust and looming fears.
ASL will be provided for Saturday shows of the 2022 Fall Season. Additional Wheelchair seating will be available for Sunday shows of the 2022 Fall Season.
Friday-Saturday, November 11 – 12 at 7:30 pm
Sunday, November 13th at 5:00 pm
Arts Access Ticketing ODC is offering a limited number of lower-cost Art Access tickets to every ODC-presented performance and a limited number of free tickets held at the door for walk-up attendance. These additionally subsidized tickets, available on a first-come, first serve basis, are reserved for those for whom price is a barrier.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE*