Fly Trap Theater | Paxton’s Gate
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Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
The Fly Trap Theater is a fun presentation brought by staffers from the Conservatory of Flowers for kids:
- Look at carnivorous plants up close and learn about how they attack and eat bugs.
- To top it off, kids will love seeing the fly traps dissected, their trapping mechanisms looked at up close and personally.
- We’ll create our own bug and plant puppets replicating traps seen in nature that use gummy slime, sticky stalks, hairy triggers, and dark mazes – or using our imaginations to create totally new carnivorous creatures.
Until October 31, Paxton Gate is offering 15% off plants and gardening supplies at both of their stores with a ticket stub from the Conservatory of Flowers. Also, The Conservatory is offering 2 for 1 entry if you show your Paxton Gate receipt dated during the run of the “Chomp 2” carnivorous plants exhibit. And if you can’t make to this one, it’s okay: there’s a second “Fly Trap Theater” afternoon coming up on Saturday 24th at Paxton Gate’s Curiosities For Kids store.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE
Tags: carnivorous plants, dissect, fly traps, Free, kids
Categories: *Top Pick*, Event, Geek Event, Kids & Families, Lectures & Workshops, Location, San Francisco