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No Pants BART Day

Drop trou for this January tradition coming Sunday, January 7th
By - posted 1/7/2018 No Comment

Drop your pants for the 17th Annual No Pants Subway Ride which will take place on Sunday, January 7, 2018 in San Francisco.

The whole point is for 600+ people to ride BART (and then Muni) without any pants (wearing interesting undies and colorful socks) and to keep a straight face and act completely normal.

The event which takes place in over 15 countries around the world is hosted by prank collective Improv Everywhere.

2018 No Pants BART Ride Day
Sunday, January 7, 2018
– Pre-Game at DNA Lounge at Noon
– BART Ride is 1:20-2p starting at Civic Center
– Afterparty at DNA Lounge 2-6p
FREE (but BART fare is required)
RSVP on Facebook – Check the Facebook event page for where to meetup and the schedule. Follow @NoPantsSF on Twitter for live updates.

1) DNA Lounge at 12-12:30pm
2) Detailed instructions will be provided at DNA lounge
3) 1pm head to BART trains via MUNI/Walking
4) 1:20-2pm ride BART trains sans pants!
5) 2pm meet at Civic Center BART station
6) 2-6pm Afterparty @ DNA lounge without pants!
7) FOLLOW @NoPantsSF on twitter for live updates
8) #NPSF18 hashtag
9) RSVP to the afterparty at DNA Lounge

Plan to meet at DNA lounge in SF at 12-12:30pm. This is optional but highly encouraged, as very detailed instructions will be provided. If coming from the East bay, and you dont want to go to DNA beforehand, post below and we can address you personally.

At 1pm we will head to the BART stations.

Please arrive on time, or early. At 1pm we will leave DNA and head towards the BART stations. Depending on the turnout, we will split into a few different groups. We will take different routes to the station (MUNI/walking) and reach CIVIC CENTER BART.

To simplify this post, the actual trains we will be boarding will be instructed at DNA lounge. If you do not plan to come to DNA lounge first, plan on meeting at CIVIC center ~1:20pm.

We will be running groups NB and SB simultaneously.
Sit in the car as you normally would. Read a magazine or whatever you would normally do. Your team leader will have already divided you into smaller groups, assigning your group a specific stop.

Remember, if anyone asks you why you’ve removed your pants, tell them that they were “getting uncomfortable” (or something along those lines.)

Exit the train at your assigned stop and stand on the platform, pants-less. You will wait on the platform for the specified train to arrive.
When you enter, act as you normally would. You do not know any of the other pants-less riders. If questioned, tell folks that you “forgot to wear pants” and yes you are “a little cold.” Insist that it is a coincidence that others also forgot their pants. Be nice and friendly and normal.

At ~2pm we will all meet at CIVIC center BART platform. We will address the group and head towards DNA lounge. We encourage you to take any kind of public transportation you can.