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Bay Area Peace Lantern Ceremony

A beautiful Japanese lantern ceremony in Berkeley’s Aquatic Park
By - posted 8/7/2015 No Comment

Decorate free candlelight peace lanterns to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima (Aug. 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (Aug. 9, 1945) at this Japanese-style peace event from 6:30-9 pm on Saturday, August 8, 2015.

Please Note – Large Turnout Expected: In 2015, they expect that they will be way over capacity. They are kindly asking for donations to their emergency IndieGoGo campaign for tables, chairs, the sound system, and supplies to accommodate the crowd. They also need volunteers for set-up and breakdown.

Free materials will be provided to create lanterns, which will then be sent out into the water at sunset during a formal ceremony. There will also be a reading of a message sent by the mayor of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, along with a musical performance, and an informational display about nuclear arms.

Japanese Peace Lantern Ceremony
Saturday, August 8, 2015 | 6:30pm
Aquatic Park, Berkeley

2015 Program

  • 2-6:30 pm: Move supplies from storage to park, set up, & assemble lanterns: volunteers needed
  • 6:30 pm
    • Decorating shades for floating peace lanterns
    • Music by folksinger Hali Hammer
    • Messages from the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    • Information display about nuclear arms
  • 8-9 pm: Floating of the Lanterns
  • 9–10 pm: Disassemble, pack up, & move to storage: volunteers needed