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Golden Gate Bridge Parking Lots Closed for Easter

Even the GG Bridge wants to socially-distance to help discourage crowding
By - posted 4/12/2020 No Comment

Thanks to SF Gate for letting us know that to help stop potential overcrowding on Easter weekend that the Golden Gate Bridge’s south end parking lots are closed until 7am Monday while Vista Point parking lot on the north side of the bridge will be closed 10:30a to 6:30p on Saturday and Sunday. 

Weekend Parking Restrictions at the Golden Gate Bridge

This holiday weekend, the Golden Gate Bridge District will close the south end parking lots and the entrance to Caltrans’ Vista Point parking lot as precautionary measures to avoid crowding during the COVID-19 pandemic and shelter in place public health orders.

Bridge visitorship has declined dramatically since the shelter in place orders were put into effect on March 17. This is good news that demonstrates the public is largely obeying the shelter in place orders, helping our communities stay healthy and safe during this crisis. We encourage the public to keep up the good work and stay home this holiday weekend.

In addition to the parking restrictions, the District has placed ample signage around entrances to the Bridge to encourage people to stay home and practice social distancing if they must be out in public. Bridge security staff will continue to monitor pedestrian and bicycle traffic to ensure social distancing is maintained on the Bridge sidewalks.

Details on the weekend parking restrictions:

  • The south end parking lots (East and Upper West lots) will be closed beginning Friday, April 10 at noon until Monday, April 13 at 7:00 a.m.
  • The entrance to Caltrans’ Vista Point parking lot will be closed from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 11, and Sunday, April 12.


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