Daily Gratitude and Forgiveness: Meditation Class
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Kadampa Meditation Center San Francisco | 3324 17th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Simple daily practices like gratitude and forgiveness of ourself and others can lift our mind, give us purpose, and release us from the heavy burdens of guilt and resentment.
How do you feel when you experience a sense of gratitude? Gratitude used spiritually can propel us into appreciation of our current opportunities and conditions. We don’t live in the past or the future; gratitude and thankfulness ground us in our current good fortune. We can adjust our mind set to appreciate the freedoms and endowments we have right now and give ourselves the gift of purpose.
In holding on to the past, we create a deep wound in our heart that never seems to heal. Buddha’s teachings on how to forgive ourselves and others. Through the healing power of forgiveness, we will be able to let go of the past and take advantage of new found energy for realizing our own vast and pure potential.
Nov 2: Making your life feel buoyant and hopeful
Recognizing our current good fortune of having a human life and having powerful potentials within us, can help us enjoy the preciousness of our life and appreciate how meaningful and rare our life really is.
Nov 9: Appreciating the rarity of our life and opportunities of this life
Right now, we have the chance to make epic changes within ourselves; we all have this potential for vast and beneficial transformation. However, we don’t recognize our opportunity and can waste our life, drifting without purpose. Through meditating on a simple and well-loved Buddhist analogy we can develop joyful energy to become our best selves ever – for ourself and for others.
Nov 16: Intention is a super power
Without intention, we don’t apply energy or effort; without effort we don’t achieve our visions. Developing good intentions is not hard to do when we have gratitude for our current circumstances and opportunities. Let’s create and meditate on some good intentions.
Nov 23: Forgiving ourselves
Forgiving ourselves for our own harmful actions and shortcomings is a profound spiritual step. Forgiveness allows us to let go of so much self-hatred and resentment, opening ourselves up to a deep healing of the heart. Through modern Buddhist wisdom and meditation we can gently let go of our guilt and learn simple techniques to be happy with ourselves.
Nov 30: Forgiving others
It’s painful to live in a state of resentment. What would it be like to be free from grudges and blaming? Buddha gave many teachings on methods about how to forgive others while still maintaining respect for the value of our own life and purpose.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: $15*