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EV Week 2019: Electric Vehicle Festival & Expo | SF

EVENT UPDATE: There are no upcoming events known for this event series - please check the organizer website for any updates.

Join for an exciting showcase and ride and drive on Saturday at Pier 27 (with an enclosed loop for test-drives) and a micro-mobility workshop for ebikes, electric scooters, skateboards and more.

EV Week 2019
October 12, 2019 | 10 am to 4 pm
Pier 27 on the Embarcadero
FREE (Free tacos with test drives)

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In its 8th year in San Francisco, the EV Capital of America, EV Week attracts 1000s of participants in a fun, educational and interactive venue.

EV Week will showcase battery powered electric vehicles, bikes and scooters, along with cleaner modes of personal transportation. An exhibit area will provide informational booths and demonstration areas, with static displays of some of the latest cars, motorcycles, scooters, and skateboards. Grid and solar charging solutions will be demonstrated, along with utility rate and rebate program information.

This year the event will have a new activity: Electric micro-mobility operators will conduct test drives/rides and safety workshops in partnership with SFMTA.

Free helmets will be provided to all safety workshop attendees. The Charge Across Town Team will be surveying participants on current attitudes about transportation and electric vehicles.

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