Home » Comedy, Discount Tix / Promo Codes, In Person, Theater & Performance

Killing My Lobster Presents: Sketch on Speed

Saturday, September 27, 2025 - 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm | Cost: $10*
*Sliding scale tickets from $10 - $50. Discount code: KMLFUNCHEAP for $5 off Tier 2 tickets.

Eclectic Box | 446 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA

Event Details

Killing My Lobster Presents: Sketch on Speed

In today’s fast-paced world, immediate gratification is all the rage–and sketch comedy troupe Killing My Lobster is here to provide! Over the course of twelve hours, we are forcing our writers to create an entire show and the actors to rehearse it backstage…and before that timer is up, it will be performed for a live audience. Join Killing My Lobster as we race toward the finish line and bring you raw, uncut, boundary-pushing sketch comedy that asks the question: “Did you even read to the end of this blurb?”

Select Saturdays every other month at 10pm: 2025

March 22nd

May 24th

July 26th

Sept. 27th

Nov. 22nd

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: $10*
*Sliding scale tickets from $10 - $50. Discount code: KMLFUNCHEAP for $5 off Tier 2 tickets.
Categories: Comedy, Discount Tix / Promo Codes, In Person, Theater & Performance
Address: 446 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA

Saturday, September 27, 2025

7:00 am   Free National Parks Day: Muir Woods + Yosemite for National Public Lands Day 2025  FREE*
*The entrance fee waiver for fee-free days does not cover amenity or user fees for activities such as camping, boat launches, transportation, or special tours. Although the entrance fee is waved, paid parking/shuttle reservations required for Muir Woods even on free days.
9:00 am   SF’s “Free Ropes Challenge Course Day” w/ Outward Bound California (McLaren Park)  FREE*
*Registration Required - First Come, First Serve, Limited Spots! To be notified when registration is open, fill out the Contact Us Form on Outward Bound California's website, and select Sign Up Sign Up For Community Day Ropes Course Registration Notification Emails. When registration opens, OBCA will send you an email with a registration link for a specific date.
7:00 pm   Laugh GPT: SF’s First AI-Powered Stand-up Comedy Show (2025)  FREE*
*Use secret code HUMAN for comp tickets, otherwise, $10 off with secret code FUNCHEAP
7:00 pm   San Francisco POC Comedy Night (Fridays & Saturdays)  FREE*
*Use secret code FUNCHEAP for comp tickets, otherwise, $10 off with secret code FUNCHEAP
7:00 pm   “Crazy Funny Asians” Free Comedy Showcase (SF)  FREE*
*Free tickets, but RSVP Required. Donations ($5-$10) greatly appreciated. Otherwise, $25 door tickets also available
7:00 pm   FREE: Oakland Comedy Saturday Night @ Secret Speakeasy (7p + 9p Shows)  FREE*
*Limited free tickets with code FUNCHEAP (donations appreciated). Otherwise use code FUNCHEAP5 for $5 off early bird and general admission tickets
9:00 pm   “Rush Hour Comedy Night” w/ SFs Best Black & Asian Comedians (The Function)  FREE*
*RSVP Required
< Friday, September 26 Sunday, September 28 >