“PASSAGE” Play by Christopher Chen | SF
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American Conservatory Theater (A.C.T.) | 1127 Market Street, San Francisco, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
When it comes to patriotism, neutrality isn’t an option. You’re either for Country X or Country Y. Journey into the heart of the xenophobic rhetoric and immigration debate that dominates our newsfeeds. Drawing from E.M. Forster’s ‘A Passage to India,’ Obie Award–winning local playwright Christopher Chen explores biases, blurred lines, and bigotry—issues affecting communities right here in the Bay Area and across the world—and asks if friendships can survive in this imbalanced world.
This play contains gunshots, loud noises, occasional strong language, and themes of xenophobia. If you would like additional information about the content of this play, you may reach a member of our audience services staff by calling 415.749.2228 or emailing tickets@act-sf.org.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: $5*