Super Smash Bros Tourney: Booze, Comedy & Video Games | SF
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The Detour SF | 2200 Market St #A San Francisco, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Super Smash Bros Mondays: Booze & Video Games | SF
One part nerd, one part slurred, Super Trashed Bros brings together comedy, video games and alcohol every first Monday at Detour SF.
Audience participation is essential as a live crowd and online viewers—from the streaming platform Twitch—suggest new rules and new gags. Power-up, throw down and push buttons (in more ways than one).
Super Smash Bros Mondays: Booze & Video Games | SF
Every Monday at 7:30 pm
The Detour SF, 2200 Market St, #A, San Francisco, CA
FreeWinner and runner-up of the tournament get a free drink.
– Updated 1/12/2020 – Event info last checked via website
They will be playing ‘Super Smash Bros for Wii U,’ 4-player free-for-alls, leading to an 8-player finale. Rolling sign-ups all night means you can jump back in the queue if you lose. Winner gets a free $20 bar tab voucher and most enthusiastic audience member wins a free Amiibo.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE
Categories: Eating & Drinking, Fun & Games, San Francisco