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2019 Thriller Zombie Flash Mob Crawl “Thrill The World” | Downtown Campbell

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Friday, October 25, 2019 - 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm | Cost: FREE
Downtown Campbell | E. Campbell Ave and Central, Campbell, CA

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On the Friday immediately before Halloween, an undead curse falls upon Downtown Campbell and a horde of dancing zombies shuffle their way from one end of downtown to the other. This annual event is organized by Adira Dance and Costume in San Jose and features multiple performances of the Michael Jackson “Thriller” dance performed at numerous stops throughout the evening.

Learn More | Facebook Event Post | Free 8-week dance workshop

The Zombie Crawl will be from 7pm to 9pm. Zombies who want to dance “Thriller” will be meeting in costume at 6:45pm on the top level of the First Street Parking Garage (next to the Campbell Water Tower). The group will then wander through Downtown Campbell and perform the Thriller dance at a number of designated spots. If you just want to dress like a Zombie and drift through Downtown Campbell without being a part of the dance group, that’s perfectly cool too!

Other Thrill the World EventsGuinness World Record Thriller Dance-Off in Campbell at The Pruneyard, Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019 at 3pm

Learn the Dance and be a Zombie
The best part about the annual Zombie Crawl is that everyone who wants to zombie up and learn the Thriller dance can join the fun. Adira Dance and Costume will hold weekly workshops to teach the dance at their shop in San Jose at 7pm every Wednesday night from September 4th leading up to the event.

Map of Dance Locations on Friday Night
The group of dancing zombies will wander around Downtown Campbell and make stops at various establishments to perform the Thriller Dance starting at 7pm at Opa! They’ll be at each spot for approximately 10 minutes and will need a few minutes to get to the next location. The 10th stop and final performance is expected to be around 9:30-ish pm. These times are not exact. The group is going to be operating on undead time.

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: FREE
Categories: **Annual Event**, *Top Pick*, Halloween, Outdoors
Address: E. Campbell Ave and Central, Campbell, CA

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