Tour an Outstanding Rhododendron Garden (Aptos)
Monte Toyon Camp and Conference Center | 220 Cloister Lane, Aptos, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
On Sunday, April 6, 2024 at 1 PM the De Anza Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society will feature a tour of the Monte Toyon Rhododendron Garden of Maurie and Fran Sumner, that is located at the Monte Toyon Camp and Conference Center, 220 Cloister Lane, Aptos.
From the parking lot located in the area of 36°59’46.7″N 121°53’51.5″W, please walk up the trail to the Observation Platform of the Rhododendron Garden, which is located at the top of the hill.
The tour will be led by Mike McCullough, who knew the Sumners from 1975 on.
The Sumners lived in San Francisco, but in order to test and display their hybrids such as the Maddenii Series rhododendrons My Lady, My Guy, Mi Amor, Saffron Prince, Martha Wright and Owen Pierce; and to grow other rhododendrons, in the 1950s they established the three acre Monte Toyon Rhododendron Garden in Aptos.
Information on the rhododendrons of Maurie and Fran Sumner can be found here:
The article Maddenia Rhododendrons of California, by Chip Lima, which starts on page 77 has information on maddenies which were hybridized in California, including the hybrids created by Maurie and Fran Sumner, and are in the nursery trade.
Hopefully the early blooming Sumner Maddenii Series hybrids My Lady, Fran Sumner, Saffron Prince, Martha Wright, and Owen Pierce, shall be in bloom; as well as rhododendrons such as the Maddenii Series species Rhododendron cubittii, the Maddenii series hybrid Else Frye and several Grande Series rhododendrons, such as Rhododendron grande, Rhododendron macabeanum, and Rhododendron magnificum.
Grande series species are noted for their large leaves and would be good to grow just for their foliage alone.
Some of the Grande series and other species were grown from seed from England and other areas.
Maddenii Series rhododendrons are ideal for our climate, make good container plants, and many have fragrant flowers.
The Maddenii Series hybrids by Maurie and Fran Sumner are in the nursery trade. These, and other maddenies, should be available at nurseries. Maddenies and vireyas are perfect for the small patio garden, and container gardens.
There is no charge for admission.
Mike McCullough knew Maurie and Fran Sumner for many years, is a charter member of the De Anza Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society, was a longtime associate member of the Monterey Bay Chapter, and has been growing rhododendrons for many years.
Information on the De Anza Chapter, and the rest of the American Rhododendron Society can be found at:
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE
Categories: In Person, Kids & Families, Other, Walks & Tours