“Black Laughs Matter” Virtual Comedy Show
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Submitted by the Event Organizer
“Black Laughs Matter” Virtual Comedy Show
After a year of weekly online comedy shows for Black Laughs Matter we finally bid you farewell! We’ve loved hosting this show and seeing everyone every week the community that developed from this! The bad news is that the virtual show is ending.
The good news is that we’re almost ready to start hosting live in person Black Laughs Matter comedy shows in the Bay Area again soon!
We’ll make sure to let you know when our first dates are and hope you join us.
Thank you for making the last year of Black Laughs Matter virtual comedy amazing!
Terry Dorsey, Stroy Moyd and Johnny Funcheap
The live comedy scene has been devastated by the closure of all of the comedy clubs, so if you’d like to support black comics, join us for a special “Black Laughs Matter” online comedy show live from San Francisco.
Join Us – RSVP on Eventbrite and we’ll send you the secret Zoom link right before the show
“Black Laughs Matter” Online Comedy Night
Every Saturday at 8pm Pacific
Donations Greatly Appreciated – venmo.com/hellafunny – Help keep comedy alive in the Bay Area
Every week there’s a different lineup each week of some of the top black comics from the Bay Area and guest comics from across the county.
Hosted by Terry Dorsey – Comedian/actor originally from Chicagoland and now in the Bay Area. His comedy storytelling and social commentary was featured on BET’s Comicview
Like all things in life, lineup is subject to change
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE*