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How to See a Comet That Won’t Return for 6,800 Years

The “Neowise” comet is putting on quite the show this week before it disappears for thousands of years.
By - posted 7/16/2020 No Comment

Thanks to Lifehacker and CBS News for letting us know how to catch a glimpse of the spectacular comet Neowise before it disappears for thousands of years.

Bay Area Comet Photos: Local photographer Vincent James woke up at 4 in the morning and took some spectacular early-morning shots of the comet including one with the Bay Bridge.

The first few days of the comet, it was only visible in the very early morning. But starting yesterday the comet should become visible at dusk (just after sunset) from July 12-23. Binoculars are best, but many people report having seen it with the naked eye if you’re in an area without much light pollution.

According to Forbes, the peak is July 22-23 when the comet is closest to earth, about 64 million miles away.

To view it just look in the northwestern sky just below the Big Dipper. It should be visible for about another month. Learn how to see Neowise from NASA.

“Neowise” as it’s called, is about 64 million miles away and one of the brightest comets this century. But don’t miss it this time around, the comet won’t be visible again from Earth until around the year 8,786.


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Comet Chronicles: Day 3 🥰 – it was nice to have some clouds this morning giving me some natural compositional elements to work with ✨💕

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