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SF’s Street Celebration for Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Oct. 9

Rescheduled special night in The Castro to honor the legacy of the Notorious RBG with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
By - posted 10/5/2020 No Comment

Sisters from all over the world are coming together to celebrate Ruth Bader Ginsburg; they will Saint Justice Ginsburg on October 9, 2020, 7pm at Market and Castro in San Francisco.

Updated Date: Now October 9th at 7pm: Please note date was originally October 2nd, but was moved to October 9th due to poor air quality

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will be granting her the title of “Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Mensch of Magistrates, Angel of Justice, and Tzadik Notorious RBG of the Divine Striking Dissent”

Join the event in two ways:

Let’s all celebrate the life of our Notorious RBG and make sure her legacy will live forever.

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