Win Tix: Silversun Pickups/Metric Verizon Droid Concert | Friday 11/6
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Try these codes from two extra cards I got. They haven't been used yet! If you win tickets off them, please leave a comment below to let us know
To help publicize their new Droid smart phone, Verizon is throwing a pretty amazing free party at Bimbo’s 365 Club in North Beach on Friday 11/6 at 8pm. The party features a free concert from both the Silversun Pickups and Metric. Plus, we’re told, you get a few drink tickets as well! The only catch is that you can only get tickets from the Verizon street team which will be out in the city near as-yet-unnamed concert venues tonight.
If you find the street team, you’ll get a business card with a special code that you enter in on the verizon website to see if you win. Supposedly the chances are 1 in 16, but I had two cards last night and they both were winners.
Tonight (11/5) is the last night that street teams will be out in the city handing out the free tickets and you’ll need to enter your code at the website by Midnight.
How to Find the Street Team: Last night they were at Bottom of the Hill and Slims, But to find out where and when they’ll be tonight you need to follow Verizon’s Twitter Feed here: They should update it later today with the location and time.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE*