Movies on the Square: “The Sandlot” | Redwood City
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Courthouse Square | 2200 Broadway, Redwood City, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Movies on the Square | Redwood City
Bring the family out to a free movie showing in downtown Redwood City in Courthouse Square on Thursday evenings from June 6-August 29, 2019
The Summer experience will be enhanced with a showing of 12 movies on Thursday evenings starting at sundown (approximately 8:45 pm). Come early for the best seats (a limited number of chairs and tables are available).
Experience Redwood City’s high definition surround sound 25’ outdoor theater. Movies are shown in high definition Blu-Ray and Surround sound when available.
Bring your blankets and pick up take-out food from the nearby wonderful restaurants! We also have a small snack bar on site serving up popcorn, candy, and water.
2019 Movies on the Square
Every Thursday | June 6 to August 29, 2019
Redwood City
It’s all about boys, baseball, and a really big dog at this outdoor screening of The Sandlot.
The Sandlot is a comedy about a summer of friendship and adventure during which one boy becomes part of a team. Nine boys become best friends and their leader becomes a legend by confronting the terrifying mystery beyond the left field fence.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE
Categories: **Annual Event**, Kids & Families, Movies, Peninsula