North of the Panhandle 2018 Season Opener: Rare Walking Tour | SF City Guides
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Baker St. | Fulton & Grove st.., SF, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
SF City Guides: Rare Neighborhood Walking Tours Month | May 2019
San Francisco City Guides offers dozens of free guided walking tours, all over the city, throughout the year.
During the months of May and October, when the San Francisco weather is particularly pleasant, City Guides adds a series of neighborhood explorations to its year round tour schedule.
Each San Francisco neighborhood has a distinct architecture, history, and personality that deserve in-depth exploration. Go off the beaten path and discover the colorful characters, beautiful vistas, and charming architectural treasures that can be found in communities like the Inner Richmond, Visitacion Valley, or the Tenderloin.
Join for a walk along the streets, sidewalks and by-ways of one of the most beautiful and fascinating cities in the world.
This central part of the City started out with sand dunes and marsh to become a fashionable neighborhood. The Depression era gave way to a working class area. After the summer of love, came a population exodus until today where it is becoming a desirable neighborhood to live again. Hear and see the details of the physical, cultural, and ethnic changes that occurred in the past one hundred fifty years.
Meet on Baker St. between Oak and Fell St, across the street from the DMV.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE*