2018 San Francisco Design Week: Designing for Financial Health | SF
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JPMorgan Chase Building | 560 Mission Street 20th Floor San Francisco, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
2019 San Francisco Design Week
Designers of all disciplines are united by the drive to solve problems, advance aesthetics, and re-think the future. The increasing global collaboration among visual designers, industrial designers, strategists, writers, photographers, videographers, illustrators, and artists has created a community of purpose in today’s complex world.
2019 San Francisco Design Week
June 20-28, 2019
Cost: There are events that are free, but some may have admission fees.The 2019 theme of CommUNITY honors the design discipline’s global unity, which will be celebrated at the opening night party on June 20, 2019 when leading San Francisco and acclaimed international designers showcase original artifacts they have produced especially for the event—posters, typeface, product, sculpture, motion graphic or artwork–– a response to the concept of “communicating unity.”
What does financial health mean for people and how do we design for it? Join us for a panel discussion to learn about the future of banking and financial health. With this year’s “Start here” theme, our conversation will focus on how teams are designing experiences that enable better financial futures. We will explore experiences we are pursuing and technologies we are leveraging as we move deeper into digital banking.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE*