Art Opening: Wooden Grid Installation | SF
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Cain Schulte Contemporary Art | 251 Post Street, Suite 210, San Francisco
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
In her first solo exhibition with the gallery, Gyongy Laky will present a series of work examining our complex relationship with nature. Sculptural pieces containing words, letters, and symbols are made of painted and stained branches and twigs combined with screws, nails, wires, and plastic figurines.
This show will feature a selection of work exploring on the transitional space between visual and textual aspects of Laky’s work, such as Writing on the Wall, a grid of wooden objects seemingly shifting between two symbolic information codes. The organic essence of the natural wood contrasted with the spiky industrial elements draws upon the ambivalence of the natural and artificial, organic and industrial, and encapsulate co-existing feelings of violence and serenity, aggression and sanctuary.
Born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1944, Gyongy Laky studied at UC Berkeley where she earned both her B.A. and M.A.degrees (B.A., 1970 and M.A., 1971). She has exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States and internationally in France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, Hungary, Lithuania, Colombia, the Philippines, China, and England.
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Cost: FREE
Tags: Art, contemporary, exhibit, exhibition, Gallery, opening, Sculpture, text, visual arts
Categories: Art & Museums, San Francisco