BawdySlam: Dirty Stories & Pop-Up Sushi | Tenderloin
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The Royale | 800 Post Street San Francisco, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
A night of quick and dirty storytelling along with a pop-up sushi shop at Cafe Royale in the Tendrloin (apparently, dirty stories plus sushi is a “thing.”
BawdySlam is a zippier version of Bawdy Storytelling. So you can just come and watch, but if you want to tell a naughty five minute story, sign up to be randomly pulled on stage to share your tale and perhaps win saucy prizes from from Vixen Creations & Good Vibrations
October’s theme: ‘Don’t Try this at Home’
Tuesday, October 23, 2012 – Doors at 7:30 / Slam starts at 8
– Cafe Royale 800 Post Street (at Leavenworth)
– $5 Admission
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: $5*