Home » **Annual Event**, In Person, Movies, Theater & Performance

Bay Area Film Mixer

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Wednesday, September 7, 2022 - 7:00 pm | Cost: $10*
*$10 online / $15 at the door

PianoFight | 144 Taylor Street, San Francisco, CA

Event Details

After a pandemic hiatus, we’re back and excited to resume our important mission of connecting filmmakers throughout the Bay Area.

Since 2012, the Bay Area Film Mixer has produced quarterly mixer events bringing the Bay Area independent film market together. Come get inspired, build connections, and find work and camaraderie!

We know you all have produced some amazing work over the past couple years, and we want to see it!! We’re looking for reels, trailers, shorts (under 10 minutes), clips, scenes from all disciplines and will be showcasing the best of the best in our Screening Series.

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: $10*
*$10 online / $15 at the door
Categories: **Annual Event**, In Person, Movies, Theater & Performance
Venue: PianoFight
Address: 144 Taylor Street, San Francisco, CA

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