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Celestial Events

Monday, July 29

Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower 2024
Monday, July 29 – 10:00 pm - Ends at 5:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower 2024
The Delta Aquariid meteor shower will be active from July 12 to August 23, 2024, producing its peak rate of meteors around July 30. However, this meteor shower is unique; from late July through early August, you may see meteors. If you are unable to view ...

Sunday, August 11

2024 Perseids: The Best Meteor Shower of the Year (Peak: Aug. 11-13)
Sunday, August 11 – 11:59 pm - Ends at 5:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
2024 Perseids: The Best Meteor Shower of the Year (Peak: Aug. 11-13)

Get out in the open, away from city lights to see the annual Perseids Meteor Shower, the most beloved meteor shower of the year for the Northern Hemisphere. The annual Perseids meteor shower is the glittery result of Earth passing through debris left behind by ...

Monday, August 12

2024 Perseids: The Best Meteor Shower of the Year (Peak: Aug. 11-13)
Monday, August 12 – 11:59 pm - Ends at 5:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
2024 Perseids: The Best Meteor Shower of the Year (Peak: Aug. 11-13)

Get out in the open, away from city lights to see the annual Perseids Meteor Shower, the most beloved meteor shower of the year for the Northern Hemisphere. The annual Perseids meteor shower is the glittery result of Earth passing through debris left behind by ...

Monday, August 19

Rare Blue Moon & First “Supermoon” of 2024
Monday, August 19 – 8:19 pm - Ends at 6:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
Rare Blue Moon & First "Supermoon" of 2024
The first “supermoon” of the year will occur on August 19, 2024. August’s full moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon. This “supermoon” is unique because it’s a special seasonal blue moon and it will be the last blue moon until May 20, 2027, according to USA ...

Tuesday, September 17

Harvest “Supermoon” & Partial Lunar Eclipse Night
Tuesday, September 17 – 7:14 pm - Ends at 6:16 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
Harvest "Supermoon" & Partial Lunar Eclipse Night
September 2024’s “Harvest” full moon is also a supermoon. Plus, it’ll be extra special because there will also be a partial lunar eclipse, visible from North America, which is when the Earth moves between the sun and the full moon without being perfectly aligned. It’ll ...

Monday, October 7

Draconids Meteor Shower 2024
Monday, October 7 – 7:00 pm - Ends at 6:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
Draconids Meteor Shower 2024
The Draconid meteors are caused when Earth collides with bits of debris shed by periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner (and that’s why this shower used to be called the Giacobinids). October’s Draconid meteor shower is expected to peak on October 8, 2024. Usually, for most meteor showers, it’s ...

Thursday, October 17

The Biggest “Supermoon” Night of 2024
Thursday, October 17 – 6:36 pm - Ends at 7:36 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
The Biggest "Supermoon" Night of 2024
On October 17, 2024, there will be a Super Hunter’s Moon. Plus, it’s also the biggest Supermoon of the year. which means the moon will come closer to the Earth than any other full moon in 2024. The best time to view the supermoon is when it’s at ...

Sunday, October 20

Orionids Meteor Shower 2024
Sunday, October 20 – 11:59 pm - Ends at 6:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
Orionids Meteor Shower 2024
The Orionids, which peak during mid-October each year, are considered to be one of the most beautiful showers of the year. Orionid meteors are known for their brightness and their speed. These meteors are fast—they travel at about 148,000 mph (66 km/s) into the Earth’s ...

Monday, November 4

Monday, November 11

2024 North Taurids Meteor Shower Peaks
Monday, November 11 – 10:00 pm - Ends at 5:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
2024 North Taurids Meteor Shower Peaks

Every year from September to November, the Earth passes through a broad stream of debris left by Comet Encke. The dust associated with the comet hits the Earth’s atmosphere at 65,000 mph and burns up, creating the Taurid meteor shower. Most years the shower is ...

Friday, November 15

The Last “Supermoon” of 2024 Over San Francisco
Friday, November 15 – 4:41 pm - Ends at 6:43 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
The Last "Supermoon" of 2024 Over San Francisco
The final supermoon of the year will be on November 15, 2024. November’s full moon is considered the “Beaver Moon” which reflects the time when beavers are busy building their winter dams. The best time to view the supermoon is when it’s at the horizon so ...
2024 Leonids Meteor Shower
Friday, November 15 – 10:00 pm - Ends at 6:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
2024 Leonids Meteor Shower
In 2024, the Leonids will be active from November 3 to December 2, 2024. This year, the peak is expected to fall before dawn on November 16, 2024. The Leonids, which peak during mid-November each year, are considered to be a major shower though meteor rates ...

Thursday, December 12

Geminids Meteor Shower 2024 (How to Watch in San Francisco)
Thursday, December 12 – 10:00 pm - Ends at 6:00 am | Cost: FREE | San Francisco Bay Area
Geminids Meteor Shower 2024 (How to Watch in San Francisco)

The cosmos’ annual gift to sky watchers, the Geminids Meteor shower, which is visible from November 19 to December 24, will peak on December 12-13, 2024. During peak activity and perfect weather conditions, which are rare, the Geminids produce approximately 100-150 meteors per hour for ...

Saturday, December 21

“Ursid” Last Meteor Shower of 2024: Peaks on Winter Solstice
Saturday, December 21 – 9:59 pm - Ends at 6:00 am | Cost: FREE | All Over San Francisco
"Ursid" Last Meteor Shower of 2024: Peaks on Winter Solstice
The annual Ursid meteor shower always peaks near the time of the December winter solstice. The low-key Ursid meteor shower is expected to be active around December 13 to 24, 2024. It typically peaks around the December solstice. In 2024, expect peak viewing to be in ...