Home » **Annual Event**, *Top Pick*, 4th of July, East Bay, Fairs & Festivals, In Person, Kids & Families

Alameda | 4th of July Parade: The Longest Parade in the USA | 2024

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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 10:00 am | Cost: FREE
Park Street (Alameda) | Park St. & Lincoln Ave., Alameda, CA

Free / Learn More

The 47th Annual Alameda Fourth of July Parade is one of the longest routes in the nation traversing approximately 3.3 miles, attracting more than 170 entries and 2,500 participants.

The Parade begins at 10:00 am.

The Parade draws over 60,000 spectators from the region and entries include a full spectrum of Bay Area residents, including equestrians, dance troops, floats, antique cars, community groups, transported and marching bands from both the community and local schools, and more!

Check this detailed parade program from previous year (2022).

Be prepared to show off your patriotic colors and line the streets along the Parade route.

Parade Route

Road Closures:  All vehicles must be cleared from the Parade Route by 4:00 am on July 4th.  Streets will begin closing at 7:00 am along the Parade route unless you are an Official Vehicle or in the Parade itself.

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: FREE
Categories: **Annual Event**, *Top Pick*, 4th of July, East Bay, Fairs & Festivals, In Person, Kids & Families
Address: Park St. & Lincoln Ave., Alameda, CA

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