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CA’s New 1600-Acre State Park (90 Miles from SF) Opens June 12

Brand new state park, Dos Rios, has no entrance fees during the initial opening phase
By - posted 6/12/2024 No Comment

California’s newest state park, the first in over a decade, opens on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Dos Rios State Park‘s opening day coincides with the launch of the Third Annual State Parks Week June 12-16. This year’s theme is “This is Where You Live” which is befitting for the opening of Dos Rios.

Located about 8 miles west of Modesto in the Central Valley, the approximately 1,600-acre Dos Rios is located on the confluence of the Tuolumne River and the San Joaquin River in the Central Valley. Where ranch life meets nature, Dos Rios is the largest and most unique floodplain restoration project in California completed by River Partners.

Once farmland now restored floodplain, Dos Rios provides the perfect habitat for several protected species such as the riparian brush rabbit, riparian woodrat, Swainson’s hawk, Central Valley Chinook salmon, steelhead trout, least Bell’s vireo, and the greater Sandhill crane. Dos Rios is also a destination for migratory birds along the Pacific flyway.

Dos Rios will open June 12 as California kicks off the Third Annual State Parks Week June 12-16. When the park opens, the public is invited to participate in the planning process to help shape the facilities and recreational offerings at Dos Rios.

As part of the planning process, the official name and park classification of Dos Rios will be determined and approved by the California State Park and Recreation Commission soon. State Parks will be providing more updates about the opening of Dos Rios in the weeks to come.

Guided Activities and Events at Dos Rios include:

  • Guided Walk and Meditation at Dos Rios  – June 13, 2024
  • Short Walk – Climate Resilience and the Floodplain Forest at Dos Rios – June 14, 2024
  • Community and Culture Day at Dos Rios – June 15, 2024
  • Litter Getter – June 16, 2024

Dos Rios Day Use

No entrance fees during the initial opening phase; future fees to be determined.

Go for a hike. There are several guided walks offered with a park Interpreter. You can choose your adventure. Look for posted hikes on birding, endangered species, floodplain forests, water management, climate resiliency and so much more.

Have a picnic. Our ramadas are along the waters edge. Bring a lunch and spend some quiet time next to the pond.

Enjoy bird watching. Dos Rios is home to some incredible bird species. Bring your binoculars and see how many species you can locate.

Speak with an Interpreter. Would you like to learn more about the area and how the floodplain forest protects people and animals? Come and visit Dos Rios and speak with a park Interpreter to learn all there is to know about this special park.

Attend an event. Dos Rios will be hosting fun filled events for everyone such as star gazing, nature walks, campfire programs and much more. Check out our social media pages and website to keep up to date on special events.