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Help Improve Bayview Hunters Point: SFMTA’s Virtual Open House

Have a say! Learn more about the proposed changes, ask questions or make official public comments, Sept. 7-21
By - posted 9/12/2020 No Comment

The SFMTA will be holding a Virtual Open House on the Bayview Hunters Point Quick-Build Project for Evans Avenue, Hunters Point Boulevard, and Innes Avenue. This project is an effort to improve pedestrian and cyclist visibility while reducing opportunities for reckless driving by implementing cost-effective and temporary design treatments that can be installed quickly.

The interactive, online event starts September 7 – September 21. It can be accessed at any time during the two-week period. Like the SFMTA’s in-person project open houses, when you access the event you will be able to learn more about the project such as the schedule, project background, and other aspects through virtual informational boards.

Proposed Quick-build Improvements 

  • Reducing travel lanes and installing edge lines to calm traffic, address excessive roadway capacity, and to define roadway space for parking, walking, and biking 
  • Installing crosswalks, painted pedestrian median islands, and painted safety zones to increase visibility, safety, and comfort for pedestrians 
  • Potential for extended pedestrian walkway and protected bicycle lanes to provide a buffer between vehicles and increase safety for non-motorized travel (walking, biking, etc.) 

Project Background 

The Bayview District is one of San Francisco’s most diverse and distinct areas, with a rich history as a traditionally African American neighborhood. As the City moves forward, the Bayview continues to grow as well, but the streets have not changed with it to meet the community’s evolving needs. Several residents, businesses, and community-based organizations have reached out calling for comprehensive changes to the streets that can support the community’s transportation needs and priorities. Some of the most frequent issues raised include aggressive speeding, reckless driving, and unsafe behavior that place undue stress on the streets. 

Bayview Quick-Build Transportation Projects seek to improve traffic safety for all roadway users. Recognizing the immediate need for transportation improvements in Bayview Hunters Point, locations for near term improvements were identified during the planning phase of the Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP).  

>> Access the Virtual Open House