DIVA or Die: Beaver Fever
The Lost Church | 988 Columbus Ave, SF, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Winter has faded, and the excitement of spring commences. The air is fresh, the earth is sprouting new life, and the trees are ready to explode with a cacophony of allergy-inducing pollen. You are excited. You want to get out of the house. You have spring fever! But what is even more exhilarating than spring fever? Why, it’s time for beaver fever!
Beaver fever is when you share you excitement for spring, rebirth, and soft blades of grass beneath your fingers with the added thrill of….. beavers! Beavers are a large semiaquatic broad-tailed rodent that is native to North American and northern Eurasia. Beavers are noted for their habit of gnawing through tree trunks to fell the trees in order to feed on the tree bark and build dams. The word beaver is also associated with hard working as well as with a part of the female anatomy known for being cute and fuzzy. If you love beaver or are a fan of wood, this show is for you!
But, do not dismay, we will have other cute animals, woodland and garden shenanigans, and the periodic double entendre available for you!
Come see our celebration of spring, beavers, and the tastiest wood around! It’s time for beaver fever!
With performers:
- – Calliope Quaint
- – Rosie Fingers
- – Harlie Holladoll
- – Rosa Robada
- – Evangeline Laveau
- – The Quainted Ladies,
- – Lady Malavendra
- – And stage kitten Ripley D’Myleaux
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: $40*