Exploring Freshwater Aquatic Plant Ecology | The Presidio
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Presidio Native Plant Nursery | 1249 Appleton St., San Francisco, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Bay Area Science Events
This event is curated by the Bay Area Science Festival as part of their year-round calendar of science events.
The festival takes place each fall with 10 days of science and technology lectures, games, exhibits, workshops and hands-on activities all over the Bay Area.
> Find tons more Bay Area science events at bayareascience.org
Join Annette Russell (Presidio Native Plant Nursery Manager) and Fue Her (Aquatic Ecology Intern) to learn about the mysterious and diverse world of plants that live submerged in freshwater lakes and ponds. You’ll cover their general life history and biology, spend some time studying real samples of aquatic plants, and put everything into the context of ecology and current work in this field. The class will take place entirely at the Presidio Nursery.
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE
Categories: Geek Event, Lectures & Workshops