Film Showing: “Coup 53” New Documentary on U.S./U.K.’s 1953 Coup in Iran (Berkeley)
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Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue Berkeley
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COUP 53- Old Secrets Cast Long Shadows
A new documentary about the US & British coup in Iran
While making this new documentary about the US/British coup in Iran in 1953, Iranian director Taghi Amirani and editor Walter Murch discovered never seen before archive material that brings to light explosive revelations about dark secrets buried for 67 years….
The cold-blooded maneuvering by the US and Britain to install the tyrannical and pro-imperialist Shah of Iran in 1953 foreshadows this urgent moment.
Right now, in the midst of the heroic uprising of the Iranian people for Woman, Life, Freedom, the son of that old Shah is making a big move to replace the Islamic Republic of Iran and to force a different tyrannical, pro-imperialist government on the Iranian people.
Come to watch this crucial film, and to discuss what happened then and what we can and must do now to support the people of Iran.
Watch the trailer. (official trailer)
Both as a detective story and as a deep dive into a world event whose consequences linger, it is bracing, absorbing filmmaking.
Ben Kenigsberg – New York Times
It is without question one of the greatest of all documentaries. Apart from its importance as a revelatory history lesson, it’s a masterpiece of humanity, thoroughness, and consummate film craft.
Mike Leigh – Winner of the Palme d’Or
Fundraiser for Revolution Books
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Cost: FREE*