Karma Cinema 2013: Pay-What-You-Wish Movie: “Sin City” | The New Parkway
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The New Parkway | 474 24th Street, Oakland, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
“Karma Cinema”: Pay-What-You-Wish Movie Night | The New Parkway
Time to get generous; The New Parkway Theater is letting you pay-what-you-wish for a movie ticket every Wednesday night.
Theater doors open at 6 pm every Wednesday and every movie (albeit a few exceptions like private events) will be offered on a sliding scale of a penny (if you are a big cheap meany) to infinity (to be the ultimate rock star who loves helping out nonprofits).
“Karma Cinema”: Pay-What-You-Wish Movie Night
Every Wednesday at 6 pm
The New Parkway, 474 24th Street, Oakland, CA
$1, Pay-What-You-Want ticketsIn turn, 20% of ticket sales will be donated to a local nonprofit; a new local nonprofit will be selected each month.
The New Parkway is a cool community theater in Oakland with couches and quirky seating, a beer and wine license, and a full food menu.
Enjoy free parking across from 450 24th Street.
Updated 1/15/2020 – Event info last checked via website.
A film that explores the dark and miserable town, Basin City, and tells the story of three different people, all caught up in violent corruption.
This awesome movie stars Clive Owen, Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, Mickey Rourke, and a very creepy Elijah Wood.
9:15 pm: Sin City (Parkway Classics)
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: $1*