Michael Ian Black “America, You Sexy Bitch” | The Booksmith
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The Booksmith | 1644 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Michael Ian Black will be at The Booksmith in San Francisco talking about his latest book, America, You Sexy Bitch, and who knows what else.
Black is the author of Chicken Cheeks, a children’s book, You’re Not Doing It Right, and, with Megan McCain, America, You Sexy Bitch.
About that most recent book: In the summer of 2011, McCain and Black embarked on a balls-out, cross-country tour. Along the way, they spoke to politicians, gun lovers, abortion-rights advocates and opponents, gay parents, flag burners, Muslims, poker players, Tea Partiers, Minutemen, veterans, teen moms, bikers, fast food workers, and a hooker or two. They toured the White House. They fired semiautomatic weapons. They stopped and ate at every Olive Garden along the way. But mostly they talked to each other about their differences, their similarities. It’s Chelsea Handler meets Hunter S. Thompson in a political cannonball run across America.
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Cost: FREE
Categories: *Top Pick*, Comedy, Literature, San Francisco