’80s Disco-Techno Dance Party | Foster City
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Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Johnny Funcheap challenged the promoters of this pre-Thanksgiving ’80s dance club to come up with a poem to promote their club and we thought they did a totally tubular job. The basics are that it’s a free 80s dance club with a free wine tasting and Stoli drink specials. Here’s the prose:
It will be an 80’s extravaganza with music for all,
We will have a ball with duran duran, david bowie, cure and dépêche modeOur Mackie speakers will not explode but it will be loud
Our dress code is forgiven but an 80’s attire is for everyone to inspireMovies will be playing on the silver screen, Beverly hills cop and the A team
Music will we be remixed with an electronic sound, and any 80s beat we foundWine tasting will commence at 7, bringing your palates a taste of heaven
You are the one that will choose our wine, so may it be a French vine or a fine Cali to go with the dine
You can decide, which one will pair the best, which will marry with food as a bride, and succumb to the restFor even New Order, Supertramp, Michael Jackson, and Prince will be heard during the Night
So put on your red shoes and dance the blues and keep the fight strong as you shook me all night longIt will go from Nine till One, so you girls just wanna have fun, so come out and shout shout let it all out.
You are not alone, You don’t have to live on prayer,or just don’t stop believing. Your time has come to pay the rent and come out and party With or Without you. We are the Champions and Let us Celebrate one more time!
Drink Specials:
Stoli $6
Stoli-bull $7
DJ Marcus from Holland
DJ Maniac Mike from SF
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE
Tags: '80s, bar, club, disco, DJ, Foster City, Free, fun, music, nightclub, Thanksgiving, Wine Tasting
Categories: Club / DJ, Peninsula