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2020 Taurids Meteor Shower: Look for Super Bright Fireballs

Stay up late on November 4, and look for shooting stars. The Taurids peak tonight.
By - posted 11/4/2020 No Comment

Every year from September-November, the Earth passes through a broad stream of debris left by Comet Encke. The dust associated with the comet hits the Earth’s atmosphere at 65,000 mph and burns up, creating the Taurid meteor shower. Most years the shower is weak, and only a few Taurid meteors can be seen each night. Other years, the Taurids can put on a show.

The Taurids meteor shower is long-lasting shower comprising of two separate events. The North and South Taurids combine to provide a nice sprinkling of meteors throughout October and November.

In 2020, the expected peak night of the South Taurid shower happens on November 4 with peak viewing just after midnight, though under the glaring light of a bright waning gibbous moon.

Keep watching through the month of November because you could spot fireballs at any time. On November 11, the peak for the North Taurids shower is expected, and moonlight should be less bright, so they should be easier to spot.

  • When does the South Taurids Meteor Shower peak? Late night November 4 until dawn November 5, 2020
  • When does the North Taurids Meteor Shower peak? Late night November 11 until dawn November 12, 2020

Source: NASA

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