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SF Moving UN Plaza Farmers’ Market After 42 Years

Heart of the City Farmers’ Market to relocate to Fulton Street on September 3rd as UN Plaza transformation begins.
By - posted 8/17/2023 No Comment

San Francisco’s UN Plaza is set to undergo a transformation into a skateboarding and recreation zone, as part of a city initiative to revamp the troubled area.

This also entails that the long-standing Heart of the City Farmers’ Market, operating at the plaza for 42 years, faces relocation starting September 3, 2023.

San Francisco officials are gearing up to transform UN Plaza into a skateboarding and recreation haven, aiming to start construction in September on the 150,000-square-foot area. The initiative comes as part of the Civic Center Public Realm Plan, seeking to enhance public spaces and accessibility around the Civic Center and City Hall. The proposed changes include exercise equipment, chess and ping pong tables, and daily programming.  Market leaders express reservations about the move, labeling it a “logistical nightmare” due to challenges like reduced vendor capacity, smaller stalls, and decreased food access for the communities they serve.

New Location, New Hours

Heart of the City Farmers’ Market
– Wednesdays + Sundays | 7a-4p (New Hours)
Fulton Street (btwn Larkin and Hyde), SF (New location starting 9/3/23)
Open year round, rain or shine.

Because of the long market hours, some farmers sell out before the close of market. Come before 3pm for the best selection but many find the best prices later in the day.

Closed on the following holidays
Pride Parade Sunday in June
Christmas Day
New Years Day

“Though we know not every farmers market vendor is happy about moving across the street, we have heard overwhelmingly positive feedback from many other vendors, as well as customers, neighboring residents, schools and cultural institutions. At the height of the season, the Heart of the City Farmers Market has 70 stalls, and its new location across the street can accommodate all of them. As the farmers market grows, it can expand in every direction.” – SF Rec and Park officials.

Heart of the City Farmers’ Market is San Francisco’s only independent, farmer-operated nonprofit farmers market since 1981 located in the heart of San Francisco at the United Nations Plaza along Market Street between 7th and 8th Streets.

But starting Sept. 3, 2023 you’ll find them in Fulton Street between Larkin and Hyde streets. The market will now operate from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays and Sundays– it previously ran from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays and 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.


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