Free Nutrition Class + Recipes for Cyclists | East Bay
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Sports Basement (Presidio) | 610 Old Mason St San Francisco, CA 94129
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Are you using the best possible fuel to get top performance out of your body and your bike?
If you are a seasoned racer getting the right nutrition before a race can be the difference between winning and losing.
If you are an endurance rider choosing the best foods during a ride will determine if your century is a fun time or a total suffer-fest.
Whether you have been riding for years or are just getting on the bike for the first time this talk will give you a new perspective on choosing quality foods that will improve your performance on and off the bike.
Here are a few of the topics this talk will address:
• Carbo-loading: powerful or powerless?
• Gu’s, bars and powders: the good, bad and the ugly
• Bonking: what’s really causing you to crash?
• Hydration: simple tips for getting enough water
• No pain no gain: foods to help curb pain and inflammation
Plus, you’ll walk away with simple and delicious recipes for on and off bike snacks that will keep the wheels on your bike going “round and round.”
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE*
Categories: Lectures & Workshops, San Francisco