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SF’s “Give Trump a Birthday to Remember” Protest

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Sunday, June 14, 2020 - 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm | Cost: FREE
Cable Car Turnaround (Market/Powell) | Market St. and Powell St., San Francisco, CA

Free / RSVP

On Trump’s birthday, there’s a protest in San Francisco in solidarity with fellow protests in DC and around the country. They’ll march from Powell & Market to the “Banker’s Heart” at 555 California.

What is the fitting way to “celebrate” Trump’s Birthday? Tell him to pack up his klan hood, his whole white supremacist, fascist crew and get the hell out NOW. There will be protests in Lafayette Park, DC and around the country.

In San Francisco, gather at Powell and Market. March to the “Banker’s Heart” at 555 California.

On the first day of mass protests in DC, Trump hid himself away in his underground bunker out of fear of the people’s power. This fascist regime poses a catastrophic danger to the whole world, and the whole world will take heart if we rise to another level of determined resistance.

Our power is in the streets! We have begun, but should we fail to see it through, this and every struggle for justice will be set back. If we succeed – and we can succeed – we can begin to force the boots of violent oppressors off the necks of our brothers and sisters. Let us change the course of history, not for ourselves alone but for all humanity.

This nightmare must end. The Trump/Pence regime must go! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America.

Give the World a Reason to Party!
Demand Trump/Pence Out Now!

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: FREE
Categories: *Top Pick*, In Person, Political Activism
Address: Market St. and Powell St., San Francisco, CA

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