Oakland Occupy “Rise Up” Festival | Jan 28-29
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Frank H. Ogawa Plaza | 14th Street and Broadway, Oakland, CA
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Help Occupy Oakland get settled into its new home. On January 28th – “Move-in Day” – they’re going to change that by occupying a large, vacant building and convert it into a social center.
Come join them for the initial occupation. The event starts at Noon on Saturday at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza. There will be a festival all weekend to celebrate Occupy’s new home.
An Occupy Oakland Update:
The location of the Occupation’s new home was supposed to be Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center near Lake Merritt, but would you like a side of tear gas with your occupation?So all events scheduled below are, of course, tentative depending on your personal sensitivity to tear gas, getting jabbed in the ribs with a night stick and the exact, legal definition of “unlawful assembly”
>> Follow @occupyoakland for the latest updates.
Noon – Rally & music at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza (which they’ve renamed “Oscar Grant”) Plaza
1pm – Mass march to building occupation
2pm – Building move-in time with music, arts & crafts, etc
5pm – Feast & building orientation w/ breakout committees
7pm – First General Assembly
9pm – Concert, DJs
Midnight – Films and quiet time
SUNDAY JAN 29: Conference Day
• 8-11am: Breakfast, Coffee & Morning Workshops
– Yoga & meditation
– Body Workers will also be on site
– Arts & Crafts time
– including workshops on the Paris Commune with Gerald Sanders, De-escalation training with Melissa and Mike from Sugetsukan, Trauma & Self Care with OO Safer Spaces, Divide and Conquer: Mapping Exploitation with Ryan Smith, Basic pepper spray and CS gas training with the OO medics, What California can learn from Latin America with Laura Wells and Andres Soto & much more!• 11-1pm: First round of panels & discussions on
– Current Crisis of Capitalism featuring Laura Fantone, Jim Davis, Eddie Yuen & Francesca Manning
– Connecting the struggles from Oakland to Syria, Egypt and Palestine featuringMiriam Zouzounis, Noura Khouri and Shimaa’ Helmy
– Anti-bureaucratic critiques of Occupy featuring Lawrence Jarach, Red Hughes & Greg• 1-2 pm: BBQ & Voices of Liberation Rally
– Featuring Corrina Gould, speakers from Occupy the Hood, Gerald Sanders and an open forum with comrades from other movements across the region.
– BBQ provided by the OO kitchen committee and donations
– bring food to donate and share!• 2-4 pm: Second round of panels & discussions on
– Police Repression & Prisons featuring Elaine Brown, Jack Bryson, Bo Brown, & a member of the OO anti-repression committee
– Indigenous and Anti-Colonial Struggles featuring Corrina Gould, Michelle, V, Luta Candelaria and Chris Oakes
– Crisis of Oakland public schools featuring Nick Pomquist, Jack Gerson, Javier, Alex Mejia & Emily Macy
+ Guerrilla Storytelling with kids by Amy from the Oakland Public Library• 4-6 pm: Third round of panels & discussions on
– Oakland Radical history featuring Elaine Brown, Gifford Hartman, Larry Shoupe, Robert Ovetz & Ricardo
– State of the labor movement and radical organizing featuring Kim Rojas, John Reiman & Chris Carlson
– The Relationship Between Gender, Sexuality and Political Violence featuring Oki, Lobna Darwish, Devin, & Barucha• 6-7pm: Dinner provided by the OO kitchen committee
– featuring a conversation between David Graeber & Andrej Grubacic
– bring food to donate and share!• 7-9pm: Occupy Oakland Sunday General Assembly
– organized by OO Facilitation Committee• 9-12pm: Concert, Poetry & Films
– Hosted by OO’s MC Shake & Teardrop
– featuring 10 piece Ethiopian funk band Sun Hop Fat and Infinity Gauntlet (Joey Casio)
– with hip hop and dubstep from DJ G Star
+ Poetry by Jasper Bernes, J.Clo & more• Ongoing: Outside Bus Show
– featuring local bands in the OO bus
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: FREE
Categories: *Top Pick*, East Bay, Fairs & Festivals