Home » Cheap Drinks, Eating & Drinking, Fun & Games, Geek Event, Pub Quiz / Trivia Night, San Francisco

Rosamunde Sausage Trivia Night | Mission Dist.

Every Monday Through September 26th.
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Monday, January 27, 2014 - 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm | Cost: FREE*
*No cover, but bring money for food and beer. Prizes may change

Rosamunde Sausage Grill (Mission) | 2832 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

Event Details

Canceled – Rosamunde Sausage Trivia Night | Mission Dist.

Rosamunde Sausage Trivia Night is no longer taking place.

Rosamunde Sausage Grill in the Mission hosts a weekly trivia night on Mondays from 8-10 pm.

The popular sausage joint with lots of communal seating has a $3 Racer 5 beer special and prizes (Rosamunde gift certificates), so you can win free sausages.

Rosamunde Sausage Trivia Night
Most Mondays at 8 pm
Rosamunde Sausage Grill | 2832 Mission Street, SF
FREE, but bring cash for food & beer

First Place: $25 Rosamunde gift certificate
Second Place: $15 gift certificate for the second
Bonus for Best Small Team: $10 gift certificate for the best team of 3 people or fewer

Yummy sausage photo credit: bayareacraftbeer.com

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: FREE*
*No cover, but bring money for food and beer. Prizes may change
Categories: Cheap Drinks, Eating & Drinking, Fun & Games, Geek Event, Pub Quiz / Trivia Night, San Francisco
Address: 2832 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA