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“San Francisco Coyotes” Webinar

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Thursday, May 6, 2021 - 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm | Cost: FREE

Event Details

The urban coyote is a 21st century phenomenon that is steadily expanding across North America and after an absence of more than half a century became re-established in San Francisco in the early 2000s. The coyote is a cultural paradox that is both loved and hated, embraced and feared, protected and persecuted. In the face of over a century of attempted eradication across their range this adaptable and highly intelligent creature is now thriving in our tiny metropolis. These ghost dogs go unnoticed by most, but their presence can provoke tense controversy and conflict, both perceived and real. With societal trends moving away from hunting and towards animal welfare, city ordinances against trapping and poisoning, and state laws banning their relocation, coexistence is the only realistic modern solution. Coexistence is a complex proactive concept that not only requires informed management of coyotes, but most importantly management of the human dimension. In this presentation Jonathan will describe his experience and role in managing and monitoring Presidio coyotes. We will explore their dramatic stories, shed light on their stealthy lives, and discuss their important ecological role within the context of the Presidio and beyond. This presentation will also discuss the dynamics of human-coyote conflict and how the Presidio Trust promotes coexistence.

Jonathan Young was born and raised in foothills of the Angeles National forest on the outskirts of L.A. county where he spent much of his youth exploring all that southern California has to offer. After completing his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from San Diego State University he moved to San Francisco. It was then that he began his long-term relationship with the Presidio national park. Starting as a volunteer habitat steward, Jonathan worked his way through several Presidio natural resources internships while completing his Master’s degree at San Francisco State University studying urban amphibian conservation and disease ecology. Upon the completion of his studies he was hired by the Presidio Trust as the first dedicated staff member with the sole focus on wildlife. Since then he has been developing the Presidio’s wildlife program which includes surveying, monitoring, managing, and restoring the diversity of animals found in the park.

Zoom registration required: https://cnps-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ua6Aw3RhQ-65nCKzg-RAxA

Event image credit: Urban Coyote Research Project

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: FREE
Categories: *Top Pick*, Lectures & Workshops, Online

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