Home » **Annual Event**, Halloween, In Person, Kids & Families

2nd Annual St. John Halloween Carnival (Oct. 30-31)

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Saturday, October 30, 2021 - 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm | Cost: $15*
*$15 advance / $20 Door / Admission is per child - child will get wristband for games/bouncy house

St. John’s School | 925 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131

Event Details

St. John’s 2nd Annual Community Halloween Carnival!
Saturday, October 30th & Sunday, October 31st
12pm – 8pm
Pre-Sale $15, at the Door $20
St. John School Parking Lot

Food, games, bouncy house, obstacle course, haunted house and more!
Even a spooktacular mix of haunted hits for dancing fun!
Invited your friends, grab your costumes and join us for this great outdoor community event.
Open to the public.

Child’s admission price includes:
Unlimited carnival games, bouncy house, slide and obstacle course.
Adults must be accompanying a child to enter.

Bags subject to check upon entry.
All SFDPH protocols are mandatory to follow. Facemasks are mandatory for anyone 2 years old and up.

Cotton candy, popcorn and food prepared by Westlake Coffee Shop will be available for purchase.

Haunted House designed and hosted by St. John 8th grade students
4pm – 8pm each day.
(suggested for children age 10+)

Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Karen L. Yee, DDS www.sleepcaredentist.com
La Nee Thai Massage http://www.laneethai.com
On Lok PACE www.onlok.org
Westlake Coffee Shop www.westlakecoffee.com
Ursaline Sisters

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: $15*
*$15 advance / $20 Door / Admission is per child - child will get wristband for games/bouncy house
Categories: **Annual Event**, Halloween, In Person, Kids & Families
Address: 925 Chenery St, San Francisco, CA 94131
