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SF’s 2023 “Bring Your Own Big Wheel” Race on Easter Sunday

The wild plastic tricycle race down one of SF’s curviest streets in Potrero Hill is back this Sunday
By - posted 4/8/2023 No Comment

What’s that sound kids? It’s the sound of Big Wheels rolling. 

Watch dozens of contestants at Bring Your Own Big Wheel (BYOBW) risk humiliation and serious injury racing their big wheels (those giant plastic tricycles from when we were kids – no rubber wheels allowed) down the crazy curvy Vermont & 20th streets – the actual curviest street in SF – on Easter Sunday, all for glory.

This is the perfect way to spend your Easter in between brunch and your inevitable trip to the emergency room.

“Bring Your Own Big Wheel” Race
Sunday, April 9, 2023 | Kids only: 2-3 pm, Adult children: 3-5 pm
Vermont and 20th streets, Potrero Hill, SF
FREE to watch | Registration required to race
– $10-20 donations are requested
Donations are very appreciated to cover event permit costs
Volunteer – If you love this event and can lend a hand (especially big beefy humans for hay slinging) please volunteer to help place hay bales along the course.

The event costs around $10-12k to produce and the organizers are against charging mandatory entrance fees. 

Read the FAQ and the rider Code Of Conduct.

Also, please keep in mind that it’s plastic only folks. Metal framed trikes, metal spokes, pegs, or pieces of metal sticking out of your rig will be not allowed to race – nothing but plastic wheels will be allowed, period. Metal framed ‘drift’ trikes are a hazard. Plan accordingly.

This event is all about making a fool out of yourself on a child’s plastic wheeled toy, not accidentally slicing or impaling your fellow riders.

Please be respectful of the neighborhood and pack out all your garbage and trike parts. This event can get very crowded with limited views, so for spectators it may not be worth attending. Use the porta potties – they are at the top and bottom of the course, including wheelchair accessible ones, and please don’t leave garbage in them. Ride only on the street closure curvy course on Vermont St and be mindful of sidewalk gardens and neighbors’ property when perching for a view.
Please note that there’s no smoking nor alcohol allowed according to their permit by order of the city of SF. There will be SFPD and Rec and Park officers on site.
Want to be a Rockstar? Grab a garbage bag at the recycling booth and help clean up after the event.

Important Details

  • Leave no trace: This is a pack in/pack out event, so take everything home with you (even your trash)
  • No Smoking & No Alcohol – The cops are very clear about this; otherwise the permits will NOT be issued next year
  • Be respectful of neighbors – Only roll on the street closure area
  • Donate $10 or more if you can – The event costs organizers several thousand dollars for permits; help them keep this great event going
  • Please be respectful of neighbors & volunteers, use the porta potties and pick up trash (even if it isn’t yours). They have an amazing team of volunteers who will be happy to receive and sort garbage and recycling. Make your mom proud.
  • Parking Sucks – Take Muni or carpool; for Uber/Lyft drop-off, please use 20th and Kansas Street or one of the other blocks NOT at the main intersection of 20th and Vermont. That area can be a log jam.
  • The Fuzz is in Full Force: Please be aware that the police will be on hand checking IDs to put the kibosh on underage drinking, but remember, alcohol is banned for everyone and you don’t want to get a ticket.

> Read the full FAQ

Need a Big Wheel for the race?
Search on eBay – There’s many between $30 and $80
Search for Tricycles & Big Wheels on Craigslist
And of course, try the thrift stores: Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc…

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