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Japanese Tea Garden’s Free Admission Hour (Golden Gate Park)

Every Wednesday

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: FREE*
*Free from 9-10am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; otherwise non-resident admission is $12 - $16 depending on the season. San Francisco residents are always free with valid ID
Categories: *Top Pick*, Art & Museums, Free Museum Day, In Person, Outdoors

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

9:00 am   Japanese Tea Garden’s Free Admission Hour (Golden Gate Park)  FREE*
*Free from 9-10am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; otherwise non-resident admission is $12 - $16 depending on the season. San Francisco residents are always free with valid ID
10:00 am   “Pay What You Wish” Wednesday at SF’s Museum of Craft and Design  FREE*
*"Pay What you Wish". Every Wednesday, we invite visitors to experience the museum and pay what they wish for admission. PWYW tickets are not required but can be reserved here ahead of time.
10:00 am   2025 White Elephant Sale in 90,000+ Sq Ft. Warehouse (Jan. 26 – March 2)  FREE*
*Free hour from 1-2 pm; $7 admission from 10 am to 1 pm
11:00 am   Free Admission Day at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA)  FREE
3:00 pm   Valentine’s Day Hearts & Crafts (SF)  FREE
4:30 pm   White Claw + $1 Wing Wednesdays at Underdogs Cantina (SoMa)  FREE*
*No admission charge. Wings are $1 each.
5:46 pm   SF’s Winter 2025 Full Moon Water Ritual “Snow Moon” (India Basin Waterfront Park)  FREE
6:00 pm   “Wiener Wednesday” Free Hot Dog Night at Rye (SF)  FREE*
*Every Wednesday, Free Hot Dogs with every Hornitos Cocktail purchase
7:00 pm   “Comedians with Criminal Records” Live in SF (7p + 8:45p)  FREE*
*Free with RSVP for first 50 people. Donations appreciatied
7:00 pm   Black Hammer’s Free “Hopped Up” Trivia Night (Every Wednesday)  FREE
7:30 pm   “Back to The Future: The Musical” Comes to in SF (Feb. 12 – Mar. 9)  $60*
*Tickets can be found at broadwaysf.com.
7:30 pm   “Wolfman Jeff Trivia” Night at SF’s Willkommen Beer Garden (Every Wednesday)  FREE
8:00 pm   Cardi Spelling Bee-An Adult Spelling Bee (Oakland)  FREE*
*Free to watch, $10 to compete
8:00 pm   $2 Taco Night + Happy Hour Comedy at Skylark (SF)  FREE*
*RSVP Required. 2 drink minimum. 21+
< Tuesday, February 11 Thursday, February 13 >