Pancakes & Booze Underground Art Show | SoMa
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Gallery 4N5 | 863 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Event Details
Submitted by the Event Organizer
Pancakes & Booze Underground Art Show | SoMa
LA’s famous “Pancakes & Booze” Underground Art Show has made a home in SF with a night of emerging and underground artists and, duh… pancakes.
For a $10 cover charge (cash only) expect to see the works from over 100 underground and emerging artists, live body painting, DJ music, live performances, a no-host bar and most importantly, an all-you-can-eat pancake bar.
Pancakes & Booze Art Show
Saturday, September 7, 2019 | 8 pm to 2 am
Mezzanine, 444 Jessie, San Francisco
$10 (cash only at the door) or $15 Line Jumper Tickets
Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.
Cost: $5
Categories: *Top Pick*, Art & Museums, Free Food, San Francisco