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New Year’s Day Mt. Tam Hike 2025: Views, Water & Forest Trails

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - 9:15 am to 1:45 pm | Cost: FREE*
*RSVP and waiver required

Mt. Tam Peak | Pan Toll Rd. and Panoramic Hwy, Mill Valley, CA

Free / RSVP

CHANGE OF LOCATION.  Weather looks good for a warmer side of the mountain.  There’s a tradition of going to the top of Tam on New Year’s Day and we will have an easy climb to the top of West Peak and enjoy the views before heading to the North Side.  This is wonderful route, but a little farther for some and well worth the extra drive.  The parking lot is huge and FREE.

8 TO 9 miles with 1200 to 1400′ of elevation.  There’s surprisingly little mud on Tam!  Join us for a hike with lovely forest trails, Fungus Amongus, roaring creeks and maybe a newt!

After the hike, we have the option for a guided full body foam roller stretch under a beautiful huge oak tree.  Text me and let me know if you’d like to join (and if you need to borrow a roller)

End time approximate. Brisk & steady pace, BUT modified pace when appropriate for conditions.  In other words, we slow down when we need to, we stay together-ish as a small group, we call obstacles.

Late light lunch stop, so you may want to also bring a snack you have eat as you go.
We may (especially near water) request a few quiet zones so that we can enjoy the sounds of nature.

Small group hike:

  • but if you have hiked with me before, reach out and I can add you in.
  • please only RSVP if you really intend to come as you are reserving a spot on a small group hike; keep rsvp current.

Make sure you are prepared for a hike with a group. Hiking with a group is very different from hiking on your own. Make sure that you have the time to participate. A hike can take longer with a group. If you sign up to hike with a group, then you are expected to end with the group or sign out.

If you are in the lead you will end up waiting at trail junctions and bridges (where we may enjoy a stretch or two) If you fall behind, you will want to focus on hiking and try to keep up with the group.

Please ALWAYS check this post the night before just in case there are changes due to weather, air quality or whim.  This is so important.  When it’s cool in the Bay Area, air quality can be unhealthy (one recent day was unexpectedly orange/red) and we check AirNow.gov and Purple Air.  It is imperative that check your email (including your junk folder) before you leave in the morning in case of a change. There are places we can go that have better air quality (like down towards Muir Woods), but we’d have to shift start location.  It’s nice to have options so we can enjoy our time outside.

Rain will reschedule this hike, but very light spotty conditions or mist might not.  It’s imperative that you check your email (even if you get lots of junk mail), so please/please check this site before you leave in the morning. If you get an email from the leader, please confirm receipt.  If you get a text, please answer and include your name.

Arrive in time to gear up as we start on time.
When you sign up, be sure to click waiver (or you’re not signed up) and provide your contact phone number.

Level: Moderate(2B)

Signup Instructions: Don’t forget to click on the waiver when you sign up and include your cell number. The public does not see this info.

Bring: snack, light lunch, layered clothing, rain gear if spotty conditions are predicted

Additional Directions: Too often hikers do not see email communication. This time of year, changes HAPPEN and it’s really important that you look for AND CONFIRM communication.

Cancellation Policy: Rain, High Winds or air quality can cancel or shift location/trails; always check site before you leave in the morning

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: FREE*
*RSVP and waiver required
Categories: **Annual Event**, *Top Pick*, In Person, Nature, New Year's Day, Outdoors, Walks & Tours
Address: Pan Toll Rd. and Panoramic Hwy, Mill Valley, CA