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Twin Peaks’ New Configuration is Now Open

A compromise was reached: Twin Peaks is now partially car-free
By - posted 3/11/2021 No Comment

This week, Twin Peaks opened its new configuration. Portola gate is now open for vehicle peak access and the Burnett gate is closed for pedestrian and bicycle use only.

The pandemic saw many changes to Twin Peaks, which abruptly closed to car traffic at the start of the pandemic to reduce crowding at the lookout point parking lot.

The gates were closed on the north, at Burnett Avenue, and the south, at Portola Drive. During that time, Twin Peaks Park use by hikers, joggers and people on bicycles has increased significantly with an average of over 800 visitors each weekday and over 1,100 on weekend days.

The full closure was meant to be temporary, but many supporters fought to keep Twin Peaks car-free. SFMTA put out a survey to gather public opinion and then its Board of Directors voted and came up with a compromise to make Twin Peaks partially car-free.

SFMTA says the new configuration aims at balancing the diverse needs of the community, which they selected based on park usage data, feedback from neighbors and other stakeholders, as well as a public survey with over 1,700 responses.

SFMTA suggests this option “provides the best combination of safety and access and helps address the negative impacts affecting neighbors.”

Twin Peak now has closed the northern Burnett Avenue gate to vehicles at all times, creating dedicated space for people walking, rolling and biking all the way to Christmas Tree Point Road.

The southern Portola Drive gate will be open to vehicles and tour buses at all times – improving access to the top of Twin Peaks for those with mobility challenges. The Portola Drive gate will also serve people walking, rolling and biking to and from Christmas Tree Point Road by way of the existing roadway shoulders and off-street paths.

Read more at SFMTA.

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